Tuesday, November 29, 2005
FS lOves to gO WalK wALk
Made my choices wor.. I put
HR as my #1 , Retail and travel #2, Service Management #3 then CRM and the last one is Supply chain.. haha.. HR only got 90 vacancies, haha.. will I be one of the lucky 90? lols.. let's hope so ba..
Went out today with
mx and
teck.. woohoo... we did something TOOPID on the bus..
We were playing "O-ya-bei-ya-siong" lols.. and the loser has to wave to the "ang moh" on the other bus.. wahaha.. i damn suay.. i lose.. lols.. got to wave lor.. and he waved back at me leh..
OMG!! and we were like laughin non-stop =x
Went walk walk at chinese garden with
Mx din wanna go black black de place.. coz she scare? haha.. dunnoo.. we walked and saw elephant, snake.. =S ya, SNAKE!! Scared me sial..
Walked to Chinese Garden de MRT.. then
MX called and said her bus till haven't come.. lols.. then we have to walk back.. Yeah, and We SAW A COUPLE "dunno doing wat" behind a tree.. wahaha.. u know i know we know can le.. black black wor.. wat can they do?? lols.. =x
I met my primary fren the other day on the train.. Amazingly we still recognise each other.. hmm.. the feelin is kinda realli strange and amazing..But i like it..=)
this is passed down by darling,
The game rules:
- Post five weird/random stuff abt urself
- At the end, lists the name of five ppl who u wanna do this next
- Leave a comment, "YOU ARE TAGGED" in their blog, and tell them to read ur blog for rules.
#DenG dENg DEng DenG#
- Fs dun eat pork since primary sch. Because she confessed that pig are her gd fren and pig dun kill pig or eat them...
- FS can't resist the temptation of chocolates.. Chocolates are her life~
- FS is scare of lizard.. and thus leadin her to hate them.. She prefer to be in a room of cockroaches than LIZARDS...
- Who have ever stepped on human shit before? Fs did it~~ woohoo~
hmm.. #the five persons# i dunno leh.. limited ppl leh.. lols..
Let all the five person be SIEW WEE ba.. lols.. Siew wee please do this five time~~ =x
*ARRggHH~i wanna go mayday's concert!!*
My life~~ C.H.O.C.O.L.A.T.E.S

<3 JellY 2:26 AM
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Clown break down..Maintenance in process..
The truth i am alway looking for is out.
To cry or to Laugh?
I dunno...
I hate to cry
Crying can't solve problems
Yet, i cried.. (at the top of a multi-storey carpark)
No one was there
Just me and myself (and lizards = s)
The first time
I really thought of jumpin down the carpark
And just end it that way
Does he still remember the 2000 chocolate he owed me?
I dunno..
The straws? The time we have our crunchie together?
I dunno..
Do i still have the strenght to go on?
I dunno..
Can i still believe that he got his reasons?
I dunno..
Do i still like him?
The thought of him makes me weep
I dunno where i am going
Look thru all the emails we send( still keepin it)
He wrote, "Frankly speaking i really like u alot....."
How Frank is Frankly?
Ha.. i dun wanna know
The last words from him (before i hang up my phone), "bu yao shen jin bin"
Wah! so "touching"
*Fell.Injured.Couldn't stand again*

*Clown breakdown*
Being a clown is not easy..
<3 JellY 1:03 AM
Monday, November 21, 2005
<3 JellY 9:32 PM
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Wat is the first word that come out of ur mouth when u hear "Fangshi"?
Teck said, "Clown" coz i am funny
Mx said, "LxX"..haha..
St said,"gal la"..lol
Max said, "sis la"...
wat do u think? ps:tag me..
have a great time today.. went PS with
Mx.. catch bear bear.. and yeah, of course.. we wasted our money again.. ha.. Saw this
Coffee bEAn milk chocolate.. i think inside got coffee bean de.. haiz.. but 100g costs $3.60..wat the... i can buy 3 crunchies leh.. so decided not to buy it..
Went bugis to meet
TEck..walk ard then decided to go back JP..
Then slack at mos.. lols.. talk abt him, him, him,her,her,her.. lols.. basically, we are "gossiping".. haha.. they were asking me wat so good abt him.. ha..
maybe to them, he is good for nothing..but i like can le wat.. rite? i siong can le.. =) hehe..
Teck and
Mx ar, dun keep learnin my bad points can?? i also g0t good points de leh.. u know ma? lols.. but it's not yet discover.. haha.. got la..one only that is kao zhi ji~ lols..
the crapping session continue~~
then Mx got to go home.. coz of her curfew.. then she did something that made me laugh non stop till i cried..hmm.. wei le ta de reputation.. i won't say wat happened.. Mx must thank me wor..=x
my chicken sandwich.. with chilli-smiley

i bite the straw until got blood.. lols

Drew with correction fluid.. cute ar? nail-smiley!!

A piece of master piece.. contributed by TeCK and Mx.. i also got.. i contribute the idea..lol

*Dun tell me anything at all just tell me u need me *
<3 JellY 1:10 AM
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
My LiFe~~ u wanna know? trUE tRue TruE!!
How You Life Your Life
You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.
You tend to avoid confrontation and stay away from sticky situations.
You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences.
Some of your past dreams have disappointed you, but you don't let it get you down.|
<3 JellY 3:48 PM
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Fs LUv thE sWinG
Went Study today wor.. haha.. ya.. ur eyes got no problem.. =x Study at Mac.. then went over to Jp again. But amazingly, we did not play acarde today wor.. wahaha.. saved my money up!
Only ate a Chocolate waffle for my dinner.. saved my money up again! Yeah, i am saving money to buy Ipod.. Or for going to Genting next yr.. not confirm yet.. hmm.. Mx was telling me that we need a 18 yrs old or above human being to check in the hotel and stuff.. yeah, we are still searching for that human being.. Thinking of calling FC.. but i dun think he wanna mix with us (kids).. ha.. so i gave up the idea..
Then after that went to Mx's hse there.. coz got pasar malam.. Super hot lor.. Saw this bear catcher machines.. haha.. attracted us.. End up wasting $2 catching air..
Anyway, after all that shit, Fs walked hm with Mx wor.. so nice of her rite? slack at the playground.. play the swing and thhe monkey bar..lol.. so toopid.. then went home..
Called him today, wah lau his voice damn nice..=x.. haha.. joking la.. he said he will called me back.. wahaha.. i have been waiting from 9+ till now.. lols.. ha.. never mind.. at least i talk to him today.. happy enough~~=)
FS de stupid pic.. (thank to MX^-^)
Sentosa~~(aiya.. we forgotton to take the pic of the BAboons =p)

*life isfuh knee*
<3 JellY 11:42 PM
Saturday, November 05, 2005
woOhOO~~ Finally, FS's first blog is *almost* done up!!(left the song thingy)Yea.. Must really thanks
GRaCiEX and
WeE WEE!! muackz~~(ps: Give u all a real one when i see u guys!!lols)Lina called me today.. and she told me that she got: Band 2 for English; Band 1 for Math; Band 1 for Chinese ; and Band 1 for CHinese!! bravO!! weLL donE!! =) Can hear from her voice that she is damn please with her own result.. hehe..
Went Jp just now with
Mx.. Went Mac to do our stuff.. and i wanted to drink sprite flow, but Mac din sell it anymore.. so Mx Bought me ice-cream cone and sprite.. and she "dipped" the ice cream into the sprite.. =S sound disgusting.. lols.. but, anyway, i finish half the cup.. Rotted in JP then went home..
Been tryin to copy the music files to Cd-rw.. haiz.. but dunno why the thingy doesn't work..
i copy 139 songs into the disc but when i played it on my discman, it's only 53 songs..AaaAAaAAarrRRrRRrRRggGGGggGGGggHHHHHH!!! wat the f...
i tried deleting and re-copy the songs three four times liao.. still cannot..
yao ta ar...
Anyway, FS is very patient de.. so SHe is gonna try again tml..yesh, she will.. lols I want that
**Doraemon Ipod Mini** but only for sales in Japan.. haiz.. and it's limited edition.. only 1000 pieces.. blOody heLl.. =x Will someone fly to Japan to get that for me?? please?? lols.. DORAEMON Ipod
Nice rite? i found out tat there is also a Hello kitty edition of ipod mini.. anyway, if anyone come across this ipod please do inform me.. okax?? thankz!!=)
Wahaha.. he talked to me in msn today.. even though is FS who started the conversation and he keep Dc-ing.. haha.. bEtter than nothing rite?? =p
*thanks for giving me such a =) day!*
<3 JellY 11:41 PM