Saturday, December 31, 2005
~~Christmas tree~~
("v")Just Me and you("v")~ plus two bodyguards.lols
Another shoot! i love u!XD
Omg!! my head..on his chest..
Can u see that there is <3>
Me and Teck caught playing 疯狂黑白chey
I caught this bear in Genting~ woohoo~
Chio leh...See the background.. lols.. loads of tickets..=)

I LOVE this phone!
Grace, b'day present hor~ lols

Fs's oreo cheesecake...
i know it's doesn't look nice.. but anyway, it tastes good! =)

Sad to say.. but i'll say i would.. =x hahas..

* Say bye to 2005.. welcome 2006!*
*As long as you are happy, i'll give u my blessing!!=D*
<3 JellY 2:58 AM
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Nice song~
<3 JellY 2:21 AM
Monday, December 26, 2005
Fun~FUn~and more FUN!!
One more lau po on my list~~ wahaha.. how many lau po do i have?? more than 5.. lols..
What to do? they love me so much..=x
i am sick of the smell of that thingy.. i gonna quit soon~ wahha.. see i so guai~ =P
23 Dec 2005Went orchard to see the lighting with TECK and MX.. woohoo~ nothing much... but lotss of human beings.. sian~ then headed to Far east, where i started to get
Because there are so many
BECKHAM(pepsi advert) surrounding me... (*^-^*)
See, he miss me so much sial..
tao yan.. *pictures is still with MX.. i will upload it soon! me and beckham de pic!! =) *
Then eat
hokkien mee at esplanade.. lols.. nice nice nice!! wahaha.. the chilli~ woohoo~ is spicy.. =x
So many couples there sial.. ~~romancing~~ and we were making
hell lots of noise.. okay.. i admit is ME, FS only~lols.. they must be very pleased that we left at 11+p.m.. Walked home from lakeside.. cause FS LOVES TO WALK.. haha.. listenin to my discman and walking on the road shoulder.. And Guess wat?! a middle-aged guy stopped his car.. and asked me if i am okay.. he even wanted to drive me home sia.. lols.. of course, i said i am okay~ Walked home only 15min from lakeside.. wahhaa.. i saved $0.65 on transportation that night..=x
24 Dec 2005Supposed to have class gathering.. but nobody seems to be interested.. *sian*
then turned out to be "
FSTHMX's gathering!"Went J8 makan.. i was telling
MX that i wanted to get a new pair of slip-on on the way to J8.. then guess what? my slip-on really
"broke" lol.. but end up din $$.. lols.. use super glue and glue then back..
so pathetic, i know..after that, Fs suggested to go Sentosa xD.. so peaceful down there.. no noise.. nice!
Played candle there.. draw on the beach.. wahaha.. the beach is so empty.. and it's all our!
Count down on the Train.. wahha.. then we were like so high.. dunno high what also.. =x
Smsed so many people..=)wat a nice christmas!!!=D
Went back was like 12+ already.. then went to find
my darling GRACE.. chatted at Mac.. hehe.. so many thing to chat about..woohoo~
Gracce, NEw YEAr!!We go ton!! =) Took cab home.. kaoz.. cost me $7+.. sian~ but never mind la.. the driver is damn good.. he even wanted to treat me eat fries..See, 人缘好就是这样的。不要羡慕我! =x25 DEc 2005Din feel like going for that city harvest carnival at first.. but we already said we will be there.. then i forced myself to wake up at 9.30 a.m... Slept on the way to expo~ Met
Yuan mei and frens.. Wah.. alot of people, man.. YESH ALOT!! like some great sales going on.. lols..
Jasmine was already at the hall.. She helped us booked seats.. and it those middle seats.. damn nice of her!!
i told you, she is a nice human! =) Sang some christian songs.. haha.. i din sing, of course.. but it's kinda amazing how a church can make it till so big.. and all the people there are so excited and enthu into god.. Drama was damn bloody nice, funny! =x ~i love Drama!After that, was a dunno who.. telling us about three group of peoples involve in Jesus's birth.. hmm.. feel kinda impressive.. how they can linked the three grp of ppl to today's world.. interesting~
Then went changi airport.. hehe.. 17 years of my life.. the first time i stepped into changi~ =x
duhx.. haha.. and i never took a plane before.. *moutain pig hor* but never mind.. 靠自己.. i know i will fly somewhere, someday.. =)
*Half of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at*
<3 JellY 11:31 PM
Saturday, December 24, 2005
JinGle Bell~ JiNGle Bell~
Have lotss of fun! Muacks!

<3 JellY 2:19 PM
Friday, December 23, 2005
Where are you headin' this X'mas??We are going to night safari!! woohoo~ how cool can that be? Counting down with wild animals!ha.. hmm.. going else where.. J8?? lol..
Champ called me just now.. woohoo.. from thailand.. how nice! but he only wanted to ask me about when is his exam and stuff.. duhx.. haha..
Jia min called me too.. to do some gossiping.. =x and
jasmine.. wahha.. we were discussing about breadtalk's strategies and marketing related stuffs.
I wanna cut hair!! arggh!! i wanna dye hair!! i wanna change spect!! i wanna buy more clothes!!
but the most important thing is.....
i don't have $$$$$$$$$$.......sian.. i wanna shit $$ out, can? =x
21st Dec 2005Went to a friend's X'mas party at dover.. Wth! his house is like resort, man! 3-storey Bungalow.. oMG! And the balcony is like woohoo~ nice scenery, nice "wind blowing"... arRggh!! i wanna live in one of that! Get to know quite alot of people there..
JASMINE is one of them, i dunno why i got a very deep impression of her.. lols..
nice people leave a deep impression in complicated human's brain..And the other one is
DARYl.. ahAha.. because he is also a MAYDAY's FAN!! =D He played the guitar and sang 拥抱 at the "nice-wind-blowing" balcony!.. oMG!! damn nice lor!! 22nd Dec 2005
Went back school to do Marketing.. *yawns* and i spent another $10 on my ez-link.. OMG!! imagine how much more do i have left in my bank.. duhx.. i spent my last $1++ on a bar of CHOCOLATE!! lols..
Reading this book currently,"Wonderful fool"..
how wonderful can a fool be? =x ps: i added that..
- Town!! i'm craving to see X'mas's lighting!
Night Safari.. exciting ar? i never been there before!XD - City harvest's Christmas land(X'mas carnival) at SIngapore Expo Hall 8.. not sure going or not.. but it sounds kinda interesting.. =) Fs is going! wahhaa..
- Volunteer at SPCA!!
Join them and help the animals who cannot help themselves!
- Hi-p gathering! Monday! wooHOo *added on
- Find Grace at National library? lols.. *added on
*Two men look out through the same bars
One sees the mud, and one the stars*
updated: 24 Dec
<3 JellY 12:39 AM
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Something to share...
"Its amazing how someone can break your heart.
But yet you still love them with every broken piece."
<3 JellY 1:28 AM
Monday, December 19, 2005
Enjoyin my chocolate and beer while bloggin this...
hmm...been thinkin abt this:"
life is complicated by itself? or humans, are the one who make it complicated?"
I used to be a simple-minded girl.. believing humans easily... duhx.. called it naive called it dumb.. watever.. duhx.. because of that.. i got myself into situations that i never wanna be in..
And i then discovered that
Human is the most scary creature on the world.. And YOU makes me feel worst.. i trusted u.. i believe in EVERYTHING you said..i never doubt on you before.. yet this is the outcome i have.. ha.. Thanks lots.. Blame u? no, i din.. i blame myself.. i knew the situation you are in.. yet i carried on.. stupid enough! More to come..Friends who i thought to be real.. are not..
*terrifying* Fren disgusted me with their behavoiur..*yucks*
Even ppl i dunno, tried to cheat me.. wahha.. how nice.. and i believed them.. -.-"
Scary indeed.. i lost confident and trust in humans.. it's not that i dun trust anyone.. but i am more careful in selecting ppl to trust.. maybe one day i will become anti-social.. ha.. =x
Human ar human, why do u make urself so complicated? be simple abit can ma? at least simple till FS can understand..lols~(Argghh.. 2005 ending.. yet i am still stuck in that damn thing.. how?? )
<3 JellY 12:37 AM
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Improve ur language! start here!
"If you have not start blogging, i think it's time you start to improve your language.. but remember to use proper sentences in your blog"
-As quoted by Mr Martin
DUhx.. okay.. i will take his advice.. because i only get 3 or 4 out of 10 or 10 plus for language in my ICA1.. Ha.
It's time to make some improvement. =D will help meh? oppss.. sori sorry..=x
15th Dec 2005 (Thur)
Suppose to meet MX and TECK at J.E mrt station.. but our dear TECK is was still taking his own bloody sweet time to get out of his house when we had already arrived.. So as always being the impatient FS, i told him to go down on his own and we will meet there. wahaha.. *evil-ish*
Walk around in PS... nothing much to shop there..
Headed to heeren then.. Shopped at HMV.. woohooo~ and i found this.....
The front view

The back view
ps: don't drool wor..he is already mine! wahaha!

I saw this before at beckham-magazine and foolish FS almost bought it online.. and it's like so much expensive with the freight charge and stuff..And of course, as a BECKHAM's mistress =x, i bought it without much hesitation even though i am left with $85 in my bank.. =x hmm.. that night my cousin brought back a INITIAL D 2006 calender for me!!.. wooHOo.. Cool!!
Later that day, we went back to JP.. Went to play arcade.. basketball machine~ Wahaha.. 90 points!! not bad ar... =D Then FS made an effort to ask a handsome guy (MX said that) abt if they needed part-timer.. supposed to be Teck and me ask together .. but
Ha.. he don't dare to ask.. dotx..-.-" call yourself a man!*pew*
okay okay, i know i am mean. so be it..ha..
16th Dec 2005 (Fri)
Thank to Soo teng 's suay mouth.. i really woke up half an hour late. Anyway, i prepared myself in 15minutes time and rushed out of the house.. And i have CHOCOLATE for breakfast today! =D Have accounting tutorial, and that is when i started to be a photocopying machine again.. Obviously, i did not do the tutorial.. haha.. but who really care? After that was econ lecture, i CANNOT stand that bloody cher lecturer anymore. She is damn bloody long-winded.. Mr ho can finish a lecture in an hour time.. but yet, she took one and a half.. dots.. and the worst part was i understood nothing..yes, nothing.. ha.. at least i understood mr ho..
And, today,I found out how much i realli really loathe BM0507.. *yucks* Filled with damn grossed human being.. you have to see it to believe it!!"So what's the big deal with you being rich?Snobbish ASS!! duhx.. Depend on your parents and you are very proud about it? yucks.. i never wanna be like you! i said NEVER! Ordering people?.. that's the only thing you know? dots.. GET A MAID TO FOLLOW U WHEREVER U GO LA! "
of course, there are also kind souls in this class..
Watched Dragon squad just now.. Quite a nice movie.. This movie contains less than 2% of romance element.. that's the thing i like..most action movie contain lots of romance scene.'s suppose to be action movie not romance movie! Not bad,thrilling enough! .. *BANG! BANG!Ahh...*
"人的头脑太复杂, 有时候连自己也不知道自己在骗自己."
Quoted from the Dragon squad
Next week will be having holidays!! wahaha.. sentosa trip? go sun tanning!! FS love it!! Baking session with lydia? ha.. of course.. need to do projects..*yawns* Revision!! haiz.. the week when school reopen, we will be having our ICAs already.. so fast.. Thinking of getting a new set of formal wear.. hmm.. with <$85.. buy wat? lols.
*did i lose my love to someone better?*
<3 JellY 12:12 AM
Monday, December 12, 2005
- Emotionally down
- Gastric pain~ =(
- Financially disabled
- My "想太多ness" is killin myself
- Din study/ do tutorials.. not catchin up..
- your emails..
shld i delete them? - Mayday's concert.. i missed it!
- Fs's Oreo CHeesecake.. my sons LOVE them
- Sentosa trip? next week? hmm..
- Can i have more Snickers cruncher? *oh please*
- Do u care?
- My S-t-u-b-b-o-r-n-e-s-s is harming me?
- Sorry to let those who care down..sorry..
- it's not u who is useless.. it's ME!
- Dun worry abt me.. i am goona be alright.. hopefully
- Useless..dumb..idiotic..anymore words to add on?
- 靠自己? ha.. too tired to do that now..
- Jp de chocolate fondue de Marshmallows.. *yummy*
- Do u care? Or just pretendin to care?
You are Milk Chocolate |
 A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds. You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life. Also nostelgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago. |
<3 JellY 10:58 PM
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Eatin shit business--
Went Kukup last weekend.. dirty!! smelly!! lols.. for those who never been or heard abt kukup, it's basically a place where the ppl live on the sea.. yeah!! sea!! but the sea is not BLUE.. it's bROWn~~ yucks.. plus plus.. there are lots of mud-skipper~~ lolss.. first time in my life.. i saw so many muddy-skipper...
On the second day, the auntie there brought us to this "kelong" (where ppl breed fishes and some sea animals) by boat.. Woohoo~ got turtles wor.. cute cute.. then the "tourist" aka the uncle who breed the animals was tellin us that the turtles can be eaten.. then i go =/..
F la.. turtles are PROTECTED-animals.... MInD U!! disgusting fellow~~ he was sayin till so proud.. yucks..
One more interesting fact abt kukup.. the water we use are all transfer to the sea.. there's tube connectin the pipes.. and all the water and including *shitss* will all drop into the sea..
Imagine this:
Fs shit -> shit drop into sea -> the fishes swim in sea of fs's shit -> fs eat the fishes
In short:
FS eat fish = Fs eat shit
wahaha.. *puke* anyway.. i ate the alot of seafoodsss there.. wahaha.. i ate shitsssssssss
lotsssssssssss of them.....
No doubt.. due to all this shitty business... i came back and got diarrhoea.. wahaha...
Got 2 days MC.. si bei jia lat leh... lols.. but i got to REST!! =D hmm.. but i very bad leh.. leave all the project thingy to them.. haiz.. bad bad bad.. =x
Yeah.. two more things.. i change my first choice to Travel de thingy.. and genting hotel bookin doesn't need a 18 yr old human!!wahaha.. anyone interested?
The sea.. the sun~~

Jack-Jack look-a-like?? lols
(Ps: grace.. he gt the same name as ur Dar~=P)

Hmph..he doesn't seem to be interested in takin photo wit me..=X

*If you never say goodbye,you will never be happy.*
<3 JellY 12:01 AM