Sunday, February 26, 2006
Tell me.. we are NOT ALIKE!
1. Do we look alike??
Oh please say NO! please! lolsi look so much cuter than this black black thing..lols
So many people said he look like my BROTHER! oh god! =x
haha.. i shall nt be so bad..
later my karma come!! ha..
2. FS's mei nu project
Fs used to be..

Then this..


wahha.. at least i am more presentable now.. rite?(:
3. Fsthmx's fuunnyyy pics! caught on cam!!xD
Wah lau.. i smeellin ppl ass..u di siao me..
qian bian ar!!

yOz yoz.. check it out!
St actin hip-hop sia!lols
teck doing some touched up on his grass-like hair!

Ah.. i got killed by Mx's short fingers and St's!

*do u knw wat u want in life?*
<3 JellY 1:41 AM
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Open hand big big to welcome H-O-L-i-D-A-y!
exams finally over! how happy can that be?? lols
as promised, i will quit smokin..
But.. i dun think it's possible
but i will TRY. okax? haha
Woke up at 10am today.. just to call the agent and ask for a job..
so hardworking rite? yesterday then finished my
"Fs is so kiasu!" *nodded* totally
wat to do? money makes the world goes round..
he told me to wait for his bloody phone call..
duhx.. hopefully he will call me tml..
then i can start work on Monday..wahaha
i wanna save money to open Donutie!
still wondering wat the hell is a Donutie?
okax.. let me tell u more..xD
Donutie is a store that is gonna be open by Miss Jelly Tan in 2009
It's a store that is gonna sell Donuts, DOnuts and more donuts!
i even wrote out a list of things/donuts i wanna have in my store..
e.g donut topped with ice cream and sprinkle with chocolate,
donuts with fruit filling.. woohoo~
My plans..
it's freakin small
So,squeeze ur eyes real hard!

*if u are tryin real hard to see and realli can't see.. tag me..
i can send u the document.. lols.=x*
**And, if anyone interested in my idea and wana buy them..
i do offer copyrights for interested parties..lols.=x
i am day dreaming.. yesh i am..
* be there in 2009 to see my dream turnin into reality!*
<3 JellY 12:14 AM
Sunday, February 19, 2006
it's that wat a guy will do?
Omg! u knw wat.. teck asked me to go into chinese garden to fetch him! becoz it's damn bloody dark inside.. and i said okax..
he is a GAY! arggh!! lols.. Freakin... and he was tellin me how scary to be inside.. duhx..
I MORE MAN THAN U LOR!i hate men! argghh.. they are coward.. they are bastards.. they are junks... i was chatting with my mum and aunt the other day.. and surprisingly my aunt told me not to get married. lols. she said, "dun becoz of ppl tellin u to get married, then get married.. single is just as good! dun regret like me" wahha.. totally agree .. her husband treat her like shit lor.. argh.. ai ya.. dunno la.. ta ren de shi.. xiao hai zi bu dong de...wat can men nowaday do? cheat girls? play girl's feelin? wtf.. men are just shit! shit! and more shit!
and there was once, at jp's arcade... some freakin man was challengin us on the, "basketball" machine.. and he went mad when he win me by 1.. duhx.. 1 only leh.. is there something to be happy abt? can't understand men.. another time.. is the guy keep winning us, he was like laughin at us.. duhx.. ppl never di siao u.. u di siao ppl.. fuck la.. then when we are abt to leave.. that guy turned and looked at me.. guess wat i did! I pui at that fuckin guy!! wahhaa.. i am a happy girl that day!
i have a pri sch fren.. he was damn bloody fats.. and last time i have those dull, freakin face.. and u knw wat he said, "soorry, i only talk to pretty girls" wtf.. u very handsome meh? fat like wat only.. duhx.. ugly ppl got pride also hor! Men ar Men... grow up! childish freakin bastard..
okax.. i knw i am damn bias.. thanks to "u knw i knw we knw" lols.. his karma is coming soon! hopefully! i am childish.. yesh i am.. so? i curse and swear all who did me wrong!! hell u go! so please dun be on my black list.. =) i am kind to those who are kind.. not those !@#@!##@ ppl!
they said i am a girl. and i shld sit properly. so tell me, why can a guy sit anyhow they want and they are nt requested to sit PROPERLY? duhx.. i belive men and women are equal.. in fact, women are stronger than men, somehow..
in the near future, women will be headin out to the society, and men will be staying at home feedin babies.. wahhaa..
ya, i felt so bad today.. i "oi" so loudly at a small boy.. coz he was playin and his hand hit my arm.. haha.. i think he got a damn big shock! i am so mean! arggh.. Karma dun come! please!=x
* go to hell-->men*
<3 JellY 1:27 AM
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
How did u spend V day?
wahhaa.. V day.. hmm.. although i dun have a bf, i still spend a DAMN ROMANTIC one!
candlelight dinner?? no no..
Beach?? no no..
Star-gazing?? no no..
Roses and balloons?? no no..
wahha.. all WRONG!
I spend V day with
SHUTING!! haha. hmm.. the romantic part was.....
We went to buy
CHILLI CRAB and ate under some ulu ulu void deck!lols..
romantic leh! the void deck the light dim dim de... hmm.. nt bad ar... ha..
*cheers for chiilli crab*
lols.. we chat from 6 till 10++.. woohoo~
u must be thinkin:" wah..u two so ke lian ar.. no one jio u all out"
But... hmph.. we realli have alot of fun! so wat we dun have bf? =p
Guys are bastard(most of them).. i dun need them to leave dirty foot prints in my life.. =x
okax enough of tat.. lols.. hmm.. is smoking a crime? if not, y do i get despise by idiots? i dun understand.. but it's my life.. not ur's! =p wahhaa.. i happy jiu can le!!
<3 JellY 11:23 PM