Monday, March 27, 2006
long lost update!
Yoz.. finally ShE de to update le.. lols
worked at holland V the past two weeks..
AND.. i saw ANGELS again!
let me introduce u guys who i have met:

1.Joker Mr Roger
(Grocery DM )
Bloody nice guy.. first time i saw him..
i tot he was those normal worker down there..
shifting the stocks and stuff..
but then i found out he was one of the manager!
shocked me!! lols..
anyway, this guy here owe me CHOCOLATES!
the "bubble melt" chocolates..
dunno what also..
or bi lor.. who tell him to place the chocolate beside me.. =p
he also helped me to complain to my company abt the
damn tiny PEPSI tee.. duhx..
realli bloody small lor..
wear le like rice dumpling like tat..
nice dude!

2. the chinese-look-alike malay Mr.Andy
(the storeman)
i dun exactly knw his position..
but anyway, he is one of the guy who called the suppliers
and knw when the stuff will arrive and shit like this..
first day there.. he told me where my "china bag" was..
the sampling stock..and stuff..
but he end up flirtin with me..
he asked me out! lols
but i just smile..ha..
andy ah.. dun scare me like this can?
btw, i dun need flyin kisses too..=x

3. The si bei bo liao Mr. Simon
(DM of dunno wat)
he saw me "eating snake"..
but he never scold me..
instead he came to chat with me too..
so fun.. then we crapped like there is no tml!
tell me go his hse clean up, one hour $10..
everyday cop my pepsi drink..
din ask u to buy, very good le hor..

4.the most CRAZY Auntie Gina
(promoter of hazgen daz)
ah.. i love this crazy woman!
she is realli crazy!
and she is damn talkative!
talk talk talk.. then teach me to eat snake..
but thank god, i got her..
if nt, my three day there will be damn bored!
dun keep shopping ar nu ren, $150 gone le!

5. the siao siao S.O
hmm.. i dun realli knw his name..
but we get along quite well..
hee.. his job is to catch thieves.. fun leh..
walk around in cold storage..
then act act hand hold alot of things..lols
then look at ppl.. haa.. bo liao
everytime laugh at me..hmph..
laugh some more la..
got KARMA de! lols..
smoke with him during break also..haha
he said, " wah.. see u guai guai.. also smoke one ar!"
haha.. i am coming this week.. we smoke together again!=)
and one more thing, this bloody guy said i look like 23 years old!
whack u ar!!!!

6. The cute auntie
(in charge of fruit and vege)
everytime i will go her "office" to eat snake de..
then she will give me things to eat..haha..
eat fruits ar.. today ate grape!
then she very cute lo..
she came to find me chat.. then she hide behind my tall tall piles of pepsi MAX..
the thing is, she tot i never see her.. then she jumped out to scare me!
haha.. cute auntie!

Still got alot of nice nice ppl! hehe..
even the coke's "stockmen" also come and crap with me..
how nice! lols..
*it's nice workin with angels*
*thankx u guys!=)*

<3 JellY 2:49 AM

Monday, March 13, 2006
ah.. two blisters invading my cute little toes.. lols
life as a promoter is nt too bad.. but the thing is u gonna stand for 8 hrs..
somemore, i stand infront of the freezer.. how nice
and put on a sweet sweet smile the whole day..
i worked at orchard tower's john place.. or watever
lols.. people there are damn nice..
met too many devils in my life before tat..
and god is rewardin me with angels!
even the manager is damn bloody nice!
thanks aunty nancy.. who taught me from zero to now..
nice nice aunty..=)
another aunty nancy i met in hi-p is also damn nice..
next time, i become aunty le.. i also wanna call nancy! ROFL..
Conclusion: all nancy are nice angels! =)

saw this ass(guy) yesterday on the train who try to snatch a seat from a lady!
fuck! and when he sat down, he looked at that lady and smile..
how nice can a guy be.. duhx.. shitty ass..
curse u fall down ar!

it's the minority of guys who are bringin the whole gender down..
aiyo.. too bad lo..

saw this pkt of chocolate that i am lookin for..
with coffee bean inside.. yummy!
but i think 100g cost round $8..
omG! so ex..
but hor.. i tell u.. it's damn nice.. if u ike coffee bean..
imagine the whole coffee bean dipped in milk chocolate..
love them!

*dun tell me to be nice.. if u treat me like shit*

<3 JellY 12:53 AM

Thursday, March 09, 2006
K box-inG
Ordered chicken nuggets at Kbox..
and i requested for ketchup..
the toopid person asked me, " huh? wat ket?"
ROFL.. toopid..
then i repeated in chinese that i want tomato sauce

suprisingly, we saw BARNEY, the cutie..
haha.. it's damn bloody long since we last met him..
he served us..
nothing much change abt him.. only that he grew more like barney..
lols.. Barney send us our nuggets..
but he forgotten my ketchup..
he said,"okax.. one minute"
then he went out le..
less than 5 sec
he opened the door, and said "55sec left!"
lols.. damn cute!
after tat.. when he came back with my ketchup..
i claimed that he took more than 1 min..
then he argue with me.. -.-
And he kept saying, "yes? wat?"
haha.. laugh till we peng..
and he like wanna act slang like tat..

and.. yeah.. our dearest teck promised to be more presentable before my birthday!
jia you wor!
must xia ding jue xin!
u can de!
lols.. u see me.. last time so ugly.. now at least presentable le..
please dun bluff me.. if nt.. u will..wahaha..=x
waiting for ur new look! =)
btw, this a evidence to prove that he said that..
if nt later.. he act blur with me.. then i have got no evidence! hah..

*a chou xiao ya will always remain as a chou xiao ya*

<3 JellY 12:18 AM

Wednesday, March 08, 2006
u knw i am bored.. damn bored
makes u smile: myself..angels by my side..
pays your hp bills: daddy
do you think loves u: hmm..ashin?lols
do you want to punch: bastards..
is the first on your phonebook: Ah B

don't u like about in this life: adaptin to a new environment..
do you want to do right now: smoke..smoke..smoke till i die..
is it that makes u smile: those sweet sweet songs.. eg.yuan you hui and Happy Birth Day
bothers you: bastards..
colour signifies your personality: orange
do you like in your house: my small tiny drawer..

is your birthday: 01 08
your special someone's birthday: 2nd may 1975 and 6th dec 1975
you get serious with your life: when i knw wat i want in life..which i already knw now!
did you do your last prank: today? yesterday?the day before? the followin day?? lols

do you live: in grace's nose hole..haha
is your school(s) located?: yck
do you hang-out the most: bugis.. jp.. mx's hse there de void deck, playground
do you plan to have your end of year holidays?: earn money.. for donutie..
are you now?: living room..

would u define love: love is blind.. loving a guy is a sin.. so dun love them.. haha
often do you listen to music: every minutes.. when i am alone
interesting are you?: very? abit? so-so?

WHERE would you build a second house?:on the roof top.. woohoo.. cool ar..
WHERE is the last cd you bought?:Mj.. mayday's zhi zhu
WHAT time did you wake up today?: 12+
WHERE is your favourite place in the house?:toilet
WHAT would be one of the instument you wish toplay?: guitar, drum
WHAT is your favorite season?: winter or autum: autum..
WHAT can you juggle?: nothing
WHO is the one person from your past you wishyou could go back and talk to? nobody..
WHICH do you prefer ; sushi or hamburger?:hamburger.. yummy
WHAT is your favorite flower?: white rose + mian tian xin
WHAT is ur favourite ice cream?: chocolate.. mango.. chocolate chips
WHICH do you prefer ; sweet, plain, or saltedpopcorn?:salted
WHAT is/are your favorite color?: orange

<3 JellY 1:52 AM

i am a 丑小鸭?
I called sbs transit
and finally i have a logde a complaint
how nice can fs be..
haha.. try me..

went interview yesterday..
we are supposed to give him our IC
so he can make a copy..
and when he is distributin our IC back..
he commented that i look damn different from the pic on the IC
and he said i am a 丑小鸭..(when he saw the pic)
*ping piang broke*
there goes my fragile heart..
like tat said me.. u good..
*sob sob*

got to knw my specialisation..
got into the first choice..
(retail and travel)
class: BM0525
sian.. no one in the same class as me..
but i can start new rite?
arghh.. i hate adapting to a damn new enviroment..
but we have a long way to go.. before we meet death
and that's mean we got to meet a hell lot of ppl..
logical? hmm.. maybe..
bless me ba.. new class..
hope i see angels not devils..=x



<3 JellY 1:12 AM

Monday, March 06, 2006
they told me that i look stubborn..
and i am stubborn..
ya.. i admit..
wat's wrong with being stubborn?
wo he wo jiao ao de jue qiang!!

and i realised that i am damn childish in my thinkin..
revenge.. karma is all i have in my mind..

People who take bus 99 frequently..
please take note:
bus no: 9538H
driven by a indian bastard
if u are those who get car sick easily..
please try not to take this bus..
We, who are nt even a driver
knw that u have to slow down when u are abt to stop at the bus stop
or otherwise the traffic light..
however, this bastard here doesn;t knw anything of this kind..
i even went to ask him... whether he got a drving license..
and guess wat..
that bastard act blur!!
fuck la..
hey bastard, wait for my complain.. it's coming!

and the FAT CHINESE ASS at boon lay bus interchange..
we were asking him where we can logde a complain abt that bastard politely
we were blocked by a glass panel..
he couldn't hear us and neither do we..
and.. that ass he said in a damn bo siong manner,
"u never listen with ur ear that's y cannot hear!"
fuck.. i immediately scold him back lor.. haha.. as usual
he is the one who is damn bloody rude first lor!
rude ppl are not tolerated! f off..
if st had not ask me to leave..
i think i will have ask him to come out and pui-ed on his bloody face!
i said before, " i curse and swear those who did me wrong!"

So u guys better watch out..
tml, yesh, tml i will be calling the headquarter..
to tell them abt u guys excellent services!
duhx... we are paying more bus fares and this is the kind of services we received

u might think that i am blowing a small matter damn big..
but sorri... i will nt tolerate this kinda freakin attitude..
i am petty.. i am childish..
say wat u like..
i dun give a damn...

arggh.. u knw wat is the job trainin abt?
it is to train us to speak in order to get the public to buy charity postcard..
duhx.. wat marketing and promoting pi pi..
all is fake...

quiting smokin in process..
since last week.. i have cut down so many
3 days a pkt?
last time is 2day a pkt or even 1day 1pkt...
but then.. i have start to cough since then..
cough cough cough..
sian.. is this the side effect? haha
today more pro..
*men eat shits*
*women rox!*

<3 JellY 1:23 AM

Sunday, March 05, 2006
Happy Birth dAy
Happy Birth Day 五月天
click for the demo

因为你 在身边
世界只剩下 一个焦点
我们都 不穿鞋
光着脚穿越 耳语流言
你出现 我眼前
一瞬间 一切都改变
Happy birth day
Happy birth day 告别忧伤昨天
自从遇见了你 才是我
Happy birth day
你坐在 我旁边
这一种快乐 无法描写
都没有 比你美
第一名模也 只能闪边
我不累 我不睡
我不休息 我不阖眼
我不想浪费每一秒 在这 有你的世界

arghh.. this song is so sweet~ can fight with my yuan you hui le! xD
ah.. too sweet le.. cannot take it anymore! hehe..

<3 JellY 2:18 AM

Wednesday, March 01, 2006
in <3macaque!!!
tml gonna have my first ever j0b training.. sian ar! from 8.30 to 6.30 leh.. diao~

Went sentosa on tues!
and i fall in LOVE with pig-tailed macaque!!
ah.. they are just damn cute!
i shook hand with one of them..
and the feelin is like...
a baby's tiny hand holdin on to ur finger!
Mx said she saw mickey(one of the macaque) pullin shit out from her ass..
lols.. damn disgustin..
dun worry, nt the one i shook hand with...=D

i want a pig tailed macaque!!

<3 JellY 10:52 PM


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Angels list

{ Mx }
{ Graciex }
{ Lydia}
{ Jessica }
{ Teck Hui }
{ Michelle }
{ XY }
{ Ching Leng }
{ Zhong ming }
{ Qin Qin }
{ Xiao wei }
{ Fifi }
{ Lynn }
{ Cockster Rong }

the exits to escape



11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007
02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007
06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007
07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007
09/01/2007 - 10/01/2007
10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007
11/01/2007 - 12/01/2007
12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008


Brushes: H-G
Designer: I

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