do u knw how i felt?
sui think i am fine..
i knw i must be fine..
thank for those who spend time to chat with me
Xian, Grace, Jasmine, Wen bin(smell ice), Hafiz....
dun worry abt me..
i will be able to pull through this..
i knw i can..
* tell me i can*
i dunno what the hell is wrong with me..
that's so nt me..
i dun cry.
u knw i dun..
the whole world seems so scary
how i hope i can be blind,
so that i can stop seeing how disgustin human has turned into
or maybe deaf,
so that i won't hear all the ugly side of human..
i still wanna keep this relationship,
i put all my trust in u.. after 5 months of torture..
why still the same old sad ending?
the world is cruel...
damn cruel..
the more i scare to lose u..
the more u will leave me.....
why is this so?
*waitin for u to bring me go kite-flyin together*
<3 JellY 1:50 AM
this world is scary
maybe i did swearing and cursing too much..
and now it's my turn to suffer
the world is so blackish to me..
i tot i met someone whom i realli like
yet all this rubbish got to happen..
second time, i have been cheated..
how does it feel like?
no one will understand.
i tot i could overcome my ying yin..
but i guess now is even deeper..
my heart is too tired to go on,
my brain is all mess up,
i have nothing left..
time could help me..
but do i have so much time?
it takes me 5month to forget L
how long will i take for this?
everything seems so perfect..
we r in <3.
but it's only how i preceived..
thing ain't the way i think it was supposed to be..
*i love u*
<3 JellY 11:51 PM
if i could i would
there's a fuckin monster at my hse
she opened my easter chocolate,
which i myself dun bear to open and eat..
feel like slappin her bloody disgustin face..
and to make matters worst,
mum is always naggin me tat my stuffs is so messy
blah blah blah..
and i shooted her back,
true enough?
it's my room,
and i dun even have a place to hang my clothes
fuck, then have to go to ikea get one..
and yeah.. this fuckin monster
practise YOGA while PLAYING PIAO YI!!
it's like dacing ballet when playing techno!
dun provoked me anymore..
i am afraid that once my impatience is gone and
i dunno wat nasty things i am up to..
in order to THROW u out of my hse..
too bad, i am nt financially stable
if nt, i would have already move out..
two more yr.. if that fuckin monster is still nt thrown out,
i will MOVE!!
<3 JellY 10:11 AM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
i miss holland V
thank Roger for ur huge easter chocolate egg!!
i think that will be my last time workin there..
i will miss everyone there..
especially the aunites, hafiz, roger, simon,francis........
and yeah, the last two days of my work..
got to knw another fren..=)
he acc for lunch for two days..
wahha.. so nice of him.
if not, the pathetic fs will be sitting at the kopitiam alone for a hour..
Now, back to sch..
arghh.. i hate sch.. haiz..
but wat to do..
timetable damn sucky..
Save me! i wanna to back to my heaven!
i think i found a guy to replace the "u knw i knw we knw"
but i am nt very sure..
but one thing for sure is.. he treat me bloody good..
i think this is wat we called, "love at first sight"
now i believe it..=)
take action fast! before my feelin fade! lols
going for lesson soon.. sian.. 3hours lecture..duhx..
it's National education time..
let's slp in class together..=x
<3 JellY 1:35 PM
Zoom to the ZOO!
when was the last time u visit the zoo?
i love going to the zoo..
at least once a yr.. lols.
i knw i am like a kiddo..
but dun u just like to be so close to the animals
out there?
certainly, i do..
so the three kiddo headed to the Zoo
one bright morning...
this cutie ass caught my attention..
and today's HOT topic will be the
red-ass baboon.. =)
Just look at his/her cute ass..
so red.. lols
everyone heard of lion king..
but do u knw that, in the baboon's kingdom
there is also the baboon king!
Look! the fur that look similar to the lion's one!
he is the KING!!
Cling to u and only u..
this is damn sweet..
a baby baboon clingin to an adult baboon!
how come human cannot learn from baboon?
to be sweet and nt nasty!

i love this plant..
the zookeeper is so kind.. put so many here..
i love u, baboon-keeper! =)

Baboon can be aggressive sometimes..

Oh heaven!
have u heard the news recently?
a cutie pie was imported into singapore!
#deng deng deng deng#
here come the cutie pie!
FS!! lols
the cutie pie takin pic with the tourist..

if u can't get enough of the zoo.. visit xiao wei's blog..
alot of pic there..hee.. =)
<3 JellY 12:15 AM
devils. i PUI PUI PUI!!!
argghh.. i met devils!!
and those fucking STOREMAN SUX!
the fuckin storeman scolded me KNN
becoz i sign in at the wrong page!
fucker.. if that day was my last day,
i will surely shoot u back.
but too bad.. it's not
count urself lucky, ass..
but anyway, the "online" guys and the stock guys are damn friendly!
they keep sayin i gt bf.. but i dun have! serious..
lols.. u all dun believe..haiz..=x
Shah is sweet!
kept talkin to me when i am starin blankly at my stocks..
a.. u today nt workin le rite?
i tot u said u work till sunday?
haha.. bluff me..hmph*
and said wanna call me till now haven't call..
u good! bluff me again la!
2006 the sweetest thing i heard
"Fangshi, me feel like don want to be ur fren.
Cos i wanna upgrade and sign up ur forever contract!"
but.. haiz.. i am a loser.. i have my ying yin..
so sorry.. i dun trust guys..
" did tat fucker done so much damage to u?"
quoted from him
sad to say but he did
haiz.. when can i regain the trust i used have in guys?
"u looks so happi on d cover, bud u looks so weak inside"
quoted from him as well
i dun deny it.. i am a loser, like i had said..
dun put hope on me..
coz i dun even have hope in myself..
do i need love or accompany?
probably is accompany.
how to get into a new relationship
when guys to me are just a bunch of liars..
thanks whoever for damaging me..
Freaking society
i met this foreign bastard on the train,
he was tryin his best to take my pic..
fuck la..
when my view is blocked,
he shifted his bloody head to take..
and i'm so weak!
i was feeling damn scare!
ya.. and there was once,
i was smoking downstair at late hours..
and these few ah pek
came and talk to me..
and they even asked for my number!
ah... idiotic society..
can i just leave before i start to fear human being?
* dun bother wasting time on me*
*i'm nt worth*
<3 JellY 2:24 AM