=( some words we just kept them in our heart
my dad is drunk today..
omg! today is the worst day that he ever got drunk
is there something making him upset?
or he just drank too much?
i dunno.. =(
is it the money issue?
our sch fee?
my dad always wanna give us the best since young..
he gave us watever we want..
although our family is nt bloody rich
but now we are all growth up,
is he lacking the love that was found in us when we were young?
lack of communication?
or could it be his work?
or waT?
i can feel the love he has for us.
but we never expressed gratitude or any of that..
just wanna let him knw..
he is the most talented and caring dad i ever wanna have!
*i raise up my hand to ask qns*
*but no one since to be answering my qns*
<3 JellY 12:29 AM
do i look like i am freakin attached?
was sitting outside the lect room
talkin abt relationship and stuff..
u knw girls like to talk abt this kinda things..
then someone asked if i am attached..
when i replied NO..
their faces were like damn shock..
duhx.. i realli dun have ma..
anyone wanna intro me a bf?
Bf's Requirement:
Must be a older chap.. prefer 20-25
Must be tanned!
of course, must be taller than me..
his hands must be rough rough those type!
haa.. short and "simple" hor.
please contact me if u have anyone of this kind..
*craving for apple crepe with vanilla ice-cream*
<3 JellY 10:43 PM
better to be a girl?
1. We can use tears as a threat.
2. We always carry mints.
3. We can have as many shoes as we want and nobody cares.
4. We can be some of the meanest people on earth, while most guys think we're adorable.
5. Friday Night Sleepovers
6. If we get upset we can make the men sleep on the sofa.
7. We can cook.
8. We can sing.
9. We can get manicures, pedicures, & massages without being called gay
10.We are organized.
11. Most guys won't hit us.
12. We always have a comeback.
13. We know how to smell good.
14. We know just what to say to make someone happy or to ruin their life.
15. We mature quicker.
16. We aren't scared to have kids
17. We don't lose a friendship if we both like a guy, we duke it out til someone wins.
18. We're not afraid to ask for directions.
19. We can always find someone to pay for our drink.
20. The wedding is just how we want it.
21. If we're picky eaters, we can just say "I'm on a diet."
22. We slap hard.
23. We look pretty in pink.
24. It was the women God trusted to have children.
25. We know how to get the attention of the opposite sex.
26. We are better decorators.
27. We're not afraid to dance just because we can.
28. We love to smile.
29. We can flirt and flaunt all we want.
30. We don't get half as many speeding tickets.
31. We have girlfriends to turn to when we get in a fight with our boyfriend.
32. We know how to encourage a breakup or makeup, so the guy better respect a girl's friends.
33. We have hopes and dreams and plans for the future.
34. We can wear skirts OR pants.
35. We know how to look pretty.
36. We're tempting.
37. Most of us look for the best in people.
38. We look younger longer.
39. We don't have to pay for dinner.
40. We have style.
41. We're ALWAYS winners.
42. We have the ability to nurture our children, whether to turn them good or evil.
43. We always have time to play tea party.
44. We KNOW when something is wrong with our friends.
45. A big vocabulary makes us sound elegant, not like nerds.
46. We can grow our hair out as long as we want.
47. We're not satisfied to just lay around and watch TV.
48. We're the subject of all the love songs.
49. We can think people are hot and not want to date them.
50. We always check caller ID.
51. We love hot chocolate no matter how old we are.
52. We don't have to drink beer to feel mature.
53. We can sit through an opera without throwing things.
54. We can stand up to the people who threaten to beat us up.
55. We always get stronger when heartbroken, instead of desperate.
56. We ALWAYS know who's in charge.
57. We don't dread packing five suitcases.
58. We're willing to buy expensive gifts.
59. We aren't as rash in decision-making.
60. We know how to boost a guy's ego.
61. We know how to get a party started.
62. We can come up with excuses NOT to see you.
63. Our role-models can be women OR men.
64. No matter how mean we are, we can always get someone to fall in love with us.
65. Most of the time we can make vengeful intentions look sweet.
66. We wake up in the morning saying, "Good morning sunshine!" instead of "SH** IM LATE!"
67. If we aren't really happy, we can always fake a smile when its important to him.
68. We can pass notes without getting caught.
69. We're satisfied as long as we're having fun.
70. We don't swear to just to look tough.
71. Promises are important to us, whether given or received.
72. We aren't afraid to throw things at someone of the opposite sex.
73. We trust our boyfriends when they say "its a surprise"
74. Listening to someone of the opposite sex sing, especially if they have a bad voice, will make our day.
75. We don't always say what we mean.
76. We don't care about a boy's popularity status.
77. We'll fight for a guy's love.
78. We can wear TWO earrings.
79. We can like the Backstreet Boys without getting made fun of.
80. We can hug anyone we want without being considered "soft".
81. We don't have to be able to bench a lot to be considered strong.
82. We're not afraid to go to marriage counseling.
83. We can cry during sad movies and laugh about it later.
84. People make new sports just for us (softball & cheerleading).
85. When we do poorly in school, we can blame it on the teacher.
86. We can wear makeup.
87. We're willing to say "I love you" more than once a day, in case once just isn't enough.
88. We know that when another girl cries, its not always a bad thing.
89. We can be swayed to forgive easily.
90. We can take time to make our AIM profile pretty without being considered a computer geek.
91. Our handwriting is ALWAYS better.
92. Boys don't care how wealthy we are.
93. We can be considered beautiful when we look our worst.
94. If we're not athletic we can just pretend we're not trying.
95. We can make the guy ask US if we wanna go out with him.
96. We can change our haircolor as many times as we want to whatever we want without being told we're self-obsessed.
97. We can make a big deal out of anything.
98. We're not afraid to skip, squeal, and jump for joy.
<3 JellY 1:15 AM
went Bl mac to K for my efma.. finished everything in simply a hour plus..
woohoo~ and saw the lame policeman with that "laugh laugh laugh" collegue. i look funny meh? duhx. anyway, he drive damn slow and luckily i din smoke! haha.. but lame policeman sms told me that he will pretend he din see it if i was realli smoking.. u got so kind meh? lols..
and ahaha! i bought a new BASKETBALL today! woohoo! lovin it! even though it cost like $30 only.. i love it! haha.. okay okay, FS is a cheapo. watever la.. can throw, can bounce, happy enough le.. Someone was damn bo liao just now on msn..duhx.. u nothing better to do, other got lo. i even set my mode to busy leh.. u r blind or wat? duhx.. go eat shit la..
basketball + cycling = Fs's night life! ahaha
*time to wash and "polish" my bike*
*but.. i am just too lazy"
<3 JellY 12:55 AM
meaningful life part 2
i'm back..
the "is FS a rabbit"'s story continue..
oH no! FA FS dun show off ur rabbit teeth!
omg! is Fs realli a rabbit?
or maybe she is a monster in the sea?hmm..

lols.. i dunno how to continue le.. =P
conclusion: FS is neither a rabbit nor a sea creature!
she is just a cute ass! =x lols
woohoo~ this is cute ya?
rabbit head + cow body + kangaroo legs..
(the first on the left)

my mean of transportation.. <3
there is my name-FS- on the bike!!

something kinda true.. haha..
women are complicated animals..

yeah!and FS is the complicated animal!

update!that bastard called me the other day. but u knw i won;t pick up his bloody call de! haha..
okay i am mean.. so? this kinda ppl deserve me to treat them bad! yeah. he DESERVE IT!
hmm.. he asked me, "do i hate him so much".. guess wat's my reply?
of course i din said yes, but i said abit lor.. haha!! bad enough! anyway, i dun give a damn.
School is never been so stress! RTM, MM,EFMA,YAF projects, all coming their way! and bloody hell their due date is damn close to each other! sian!
Two ICAs next week.. EFMA and BF!! save me! i think i gonna score real bad! coz i never do any tuts before! haha.. jia lat!! haha..
gonna go study le! =) tc!
<3 JellY 1:47 AM
meaningful life
yawns.. strugglin my project.. haiz..
and realised that i am gonna fall aslp typing 1/4 of the report.
so i decided to do something more enrichin..
that is to BLOG! lols.
Been going for night cycling, nite basketball-ing and Guitar lesson every friday nite..
of course the guitar lesson is lead by the most prominent GTH! haa!
love it man.. i love to sweat like nobody biz..
and i finally knw how to play "twinkle twinkle little star"
but it's nt smooth..lol
and two weeks back, i was caught by police!
arghh.. damn suay!
almost got summon of underage smoking..
$5000 leh.. SIao!
heng, he see me cute dun wanna summon me!
*pls try ur best not to vomit*
notice that i uses my left hand to strum? haha..
but the fact is i am a right-handed..
okay okay.. i am AB+normal..
my rabbit's ear..
shsss.. dun tell anyone that i am a rabbit wor..
blogger is having prob uploadin pics.. shall get back to my report!
more pics will be upload soon..
discover the strange creature FS in the next update!
(if i remember)
*contented with life*
<3 JellY 2:14 AM
The Bottom Line
Your vision is clearing. Now you can see more of the good (and the bad) than before.
In DetailNew projects have had a more confusing effect on your life than you expected, but clarity is just a matter of getting a handle on scheduling and other details. In a few days, your vision will start to become more vivid.
Scary walls are breaking down -- and what you used to think were problems will reveal themselves to actually be some intriguing new puzzles to solve. You'll start seeing everything in a more positive light (see how easy it is?!) and will be feeling content.
let's pray tat frenster's horoscope are true!
<3 JellY 11:26 AM
everytime i torture myself
when soemthing bad got to happen..
why is this so?
i tot i love myself alot..
u told me that u are nt good too..
but can't i believe?
life is funny..
u are torturin too..
then why do u still choose to leave me?
wei wo hao..
tat's all crap..
i want u back..
can i?
<3 JellY 12:49 AM