Thursday, August 31, 2006
picturesss time! =D
okay.. let's welcome my newly adopted kitty..
by the name of "QI GUAI "
*means strange

oh my fuckin god.. wat a big ass..=x
okay.. up next.. is my job!
i start to like my job! =)
*training in process*
slackin in the toilet..=x

my NEW HAIRSTYLE!cool leh..

i love this.. woohoo~!
so many heads! wahaha

i will choose to be evil-ish!
AND.. kill those fuckin angels! point holdin on those rare angel...
might as well kill them! =x
- i hate ur guts. and i never wanna be like u-
<3 JellY 11:11 PM
Metoformin..lactose syrup..blah blah..
omg.. my head is burstin
i need to remember where all those fuckin medi are placed!
imagine 100+ medi...
how to remember?
i cant even remeber the door lock no.
i wanna watch GHOST GAME!!
arghh.. no time!
sat de movie tix are damn ex..
sun dunno need to say..
draggin myself to work everyday..
i dun like workin there..frankly saying..
i prefer my promoter job scope..
it's like u gt to interact wit different customers..
and the most happy thing is..
one day at most 5...
one pkt lasted me for 4days..
nt bad ar..
BIG thanks.. to gth..
thanks for designing my "donuties" logo!
<3 JellY 11:42 PM
first day
first day at work..
i met no devils..
haha... HENG!
angels.. hmm...
nt realli..
they are just normal folks..
hey, tell u guys a toopid thing..
i waited for him till 5am that day..
haha.. but to me i think he's worth it..
that big ass realli KO that nite..
after work..
my patience is damn limited..
but for him..
the limitation is gone..
i dunno why i am so so so so into him
even though he treated me like nobody..
like shaun said,"wah.. u and him so fairy tales one"
fairy tales alway has a happy ending..
but we dun..
thinking thinkin of making smthing for him
on his 29th birthday..
although he only gave me a "muacks" on my birthday
and he never attend my BBQ..
nvm.. for him.. i can forgive everything..
-miss ur sexy mao-ry legs =x-
<3 JellY 10:52 PM
in this black black world, i am a small small girl
u said no.. and i will say no..
u said yes.. and i will say yes..
everything i turn to u..
u said u will support my dream..
venture wit me..
give me the money to start my dream..
but the world is so black..
i dun even knw where my used-to-be dream is?
it has gotten lost on the way..
for now, i dun care if u treat me like ur hobby..
i just need someone to assure my dream to me
but wat if u are gone one day, who the hell can i turn to?
i realli din knw ur words were so powerful..
more powerful than his..
they said i am not alone,
there is always angels out there waiting for me..
but my life, stories i heard.. they ain't telling me how
beautiful this world is..
but the otherwise.
Faith whispered to me that i shall remain strong..
heart told me to give up on this world..
wat shall i do?
too many uncertainties, too many wat if, too many doubts
too many unhappy things happening..
can i still be the old happy FS u ever knw?
Morning i am doing fine..till afternoon
but during the nite..
it's the hardest period of the day..
i dunno how to get thru..
when the world is so quiet..
just me and my shadow
right track. wrong train?
or is it wrong track wrong train?
i dunno..
i dunno..
i realli dunnoo..
i just wanna run away like a coward..
buryin everything.. and leave this bloody world..
i want those who did me wrong feel guilty..
and i am sure even if i die.. i wont let them have a gd life..
esp lawrence zhong lian wei!
he shld knw wat he had done to me..
*scary* even when i just think abt it..
i have become so so so dependent on the other..
i lose the power to stand on my own..
making decision is so tough for me..
i need assurance from everyone..
maybe it's due to the phobia i have got.
phobia of this world, phobia of being reject..
too many back stabbed stories..
realli frightened me..
then we shall wear a mask whereever we go..
and stop being who we are..
trust no one.
i wanna trust no one..
but i cant.
just act pitiful infront of FS,
she will start to show u her kindness.
ask my pals..
they knw.. haha..
tissues, pens watever.. that's all the things i bought from
those "pity" ppl..
everyday is the same to me..
wat tml is a brand new day, that's crap to me..
if tml is a brand new day, then i wont be here typing crap.
<3 JellY 2:02 AM
grant my wish. thank u.
1.Where have you been an hour ago?
[downstair smoke]
2.State your name?
3.Do you like your name?
[no comment]
4.Can you remember what you did on the first dayof school?
[playin some fuckin bo liao games]
5. What do you want to be ten years from now?
[I wanna commit suicide]
6. What do u feel upon receiving emails?
[no comment]
7. At what age you first learned to use a pc?
8. Have you ever eaten any exotic food?
[Hamster's food]
9. What was the last illness that you had?
[Suspect of having dengue]
10. Do you like listening to rap music?
11. Have you ever thought of driving the train to uni?
[wat the fuck??]
12. What did you do last 1st November 2005?
[ lookin blankly at my MSN contact, wonderin why did that bastard do that to me]
13. Which do you prefer? sunny days or rainy ?
14. When was the last time you browsed the bible?
[ 6 yr ago]
15. What is the brand of your first wristwatch?
[some L-cheapo brand]
16.Look behind your back. What do you see?
[a lonely shadow]
17. Say something about the person whom ulike...
[i like no one, nt even my parents..]
18. What did you have for breakfast today?
–[ chocolates!+ vanilla coke]
19. Your last dream that you remembered?
[ my pooh talkin to me]
20. What do you usually say when you meet aperson?
21. Do you agree on the saying "to forgive is toforget"?
[No no no.. there is no forgive in my dictionary now]
22. Last thing you held before using the computer?
[chilli tuna]
23..What is the place u dreamed of?
[ heaven]
24. When was the last time your tears fell?
[ beginnin of this yr]
25. At what age are you ready to get married?
[i dun wanna get marry. men are bastards]
26. Long hair or short?
[Short and sweet]
27. First person to run to if you are depressed?
[my dear ciggies, chocolates, vanilla coke]
28. Whats the last movie you watched?
[ the omen]
29. Who was the last person you sms?
[the devil]
30. Were you attracted to a person ten years older
[yup. i prefer "old" ppl]
31. Are you happy at this point of your life?
[wat do ya think?]
32. What do you want to eat tomorrow?
33. Are you in love now?
34. With whom?
[ciggies, basketball court]
35. If you could have one wish right now, whatwould it be?
[ my heart stop pumpin]
<3 JellY 2:34 AM
where is my guidance angel?
home is like a hell
fcukin' attitude throwin all around in the hse
i told u.. i cannot tolerate fuck up attitude
i dun need some fuckin idiot to control my life..
Fren.. haax.
talk abt it makes me boil..
LAN PENG YOU! go eat shit!
my life is in a mess.
yesh it is..
been eatin chocolate the whole day!
for those who knw wat chocolate means to me..
will knw..
but how many ppl on this Earth realli knw me?
Living in this place it's always been this way
There's no one doing nothing so there's nothing changed
And I can't live when this world just keeps dying
It's dying
People always tell me this is part of the plan
That God's got everybody in His hands
But I can only pray that God is listening
Is He listening?
The world is black
And hearts are cold
There's no hope
That's what we're told
And we can't go back
It won't be the same
Forever changed
I made this bed
I choose to lie in it
And live with my regrets
I sleep with what I said
Could this be the end
Am I standing on the edge
Of everything I wanted now
I was afraid
I was afraid
And maybe I’m just scared
To face the things I feel
Its easier to walk away from everything
Separate my soul
With all the things we shared
I’m fallin' to pieces now
Say a prayer for me
When you go to bed
I’m in need of your faith now
I was afraid
And maybe I’m just scared
Lost and broken
Hopeless and lonely
Smiling on the outside
Hurt beneath my skin
My eyes are fading
My soul is bleeding
I'll try to make it seem okay
But my faith is wearing thin
So help me heal these wounds
They've been open for way too long
Help me fill this soul
So here I am once again
With my back against the wall
Afraid to show youAfraid to tell you
I don't know you like I did
I've never been so alone
I've never felt so insecure
And now I don't know where I'm going
In my life I'm not so sure
<3 JellY 2:40 AM
it's earning $ time!
okay.. chalet is over.. fun is over..
now shall settle dwn and find a JOB!
tml going for interview le..=)
office job.. blah blah
i hate office job..
so boring.. and u meet the same old bloody ppl everyday
but wat to do.. i need experience..
if my application is approved..
i'll be damn busy working!
monday to friday work.. 8.30-5.45
plus tuition.
sat- either OT or tuition
wahaha.. i am gonna be rich! =x
money money come come!
plus i needa save money for my DONUTIES! =D
-pray for me that i get the job-
<3 JellY 12:36 AM
i saw a beautiful butterfly yesterday...
it was dyin at the middle of the road
i saw it struggling trying to fly away
before it's beautiful wings get crashed..
the bus came..
i wanted to help it so so much..
but i dunno how..
and there i saw the tyres ran over the
we are losing all the beautiful things in life
and accumulating all the ugly ones..
<3 JellY 1:40 AM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
thank u.
*if unable to view: go VIEW, ENCODING, change to UNICODE
<3 JellY 1:47 AM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
||hate this world||
i dun wanna be just ur hobby
when u are slackin during ur work, or watever
i want to be ur somebody..
but i dun think u give a damn.
thanks u.. for making the world uglier once again..
i wanna be happy..
i tried to be happy..
but am i truly happy?
<3 JellY 12:21 AM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
less-complicated can?
the world had changed long ago.
yet i am still living in the old days..
where ppl are nt so complicated..
this world is black, ugly, disgusting, gross.....
stab here stab there very fun ar?
bye bye ugly world..
until i recovered from my phobia..
= (
<3 JellY 12:10 AM