Monday, October 30, 2006
wedding [part2]
the nite before weddin!=)
we went PURE BAR!
kinda cool.. and the guys there are like
expect a few.. lols

6 a.m

the bridemaid and the bride! =)

i look so disgustin wit my hair pined up!=(

the "cuter than FS" car!

the preetttyy bride and the funny groom..

the groom slackin in their room.

my cute little cousin..

he dun wanna let me carry him.. sobx.

my two sons.. hee..

one is sunshine boi, the other is boi next door..

which one do u like? =x

<3 JellY 2:24 PM

Sunday, October 29, 2006
weddin.=) [part 1]
i'm back!! =) with lots of pictures!

on the coach.. lols

on the arrival of melaka..

the local gov place.

AHhhh.. bu yao xiang bu kai ar!!

the cutie under the table at hawker! =)

woohoo~! Salem small pkt costs only RM$5

woohoo~! u can refill ur water bottle.. anytime anywhere..

Selamat deepavali and hari raya!! =)

<3 JellY 10:41 PM

Thursday, October 26, 2006
woohoo~! updated! =x
will be away till sunday..
if sunday, i am nt tired after my trip
i will blog!
no promise! =x

<3 JellY 3:51 PM

Monday, October 23, 2006
ZooO Trip.

i'm nt in the mood to add caption.lols

<3 JellY 11:32 PM

Saturday, October 21, 2006
100th entry
wahha.. okay. here come the update! =)
i aint realli busy wit anything.
but i am just plain lazy to update.lols
anyway, changed my blogskin.

for the start i shall start wit my accident..
a dumb one of course..
one day, jelly go up a hill
jelly had a great fall! lols
from her bicycle!
okay angels! stop laughing!
angels dun laugh at other mishap.
although i also bth.. to laugh at my own stupidity.=x

the unzoom version of how bad the wound was.

and -deng deng- this is the zoom-ed version. lols

it looked really bad.. but actually it's not la..
just nice for a lady like me.=x

Next, i had hopefully finally given up on him..
i struggle for awhile before i decided to end this thingie.
since he doesnt realli care abt wat i said, and cant even remember..
okay, watever.. i am a loser when it comes to love..
hopefully, my good-bye din scare u..
and tat u can realli can find someone whom u wanna spend ur life wit..
even though it's nt me..
just remember me as that girl who had once smile for u..
clingin to u.. the cheesecake i made for u.. and our photo..
i'll be more than contented.. =)
dun contact for the time being, till i clear my tot..
nt forever!
but if u need me oneday, just call me or sms me..
i'll be there for u.

okay.. i am dumb.. he wont be readin my blog anyway..
lols.. like he cares. =x
angels, pls continue readin my blog..lols

haha.. okay la.. i am startin to get emo!
no no!! dun stop reeadin.. pls.. =x

next up, hmm.. yea!
Zoo trip!!!
although it's like the 5 of us..
but i guess wat realli gt a fun time dwn there.
and i think i shall only visit the zoo once in a yr..
coz it's like i knw all the new attraction, wat's the animal show abt..
management of zoo pls come out wit more attraction!<3 HELl! blogger kee siao! dun let me upload zoo pictures! lols okay, i'll update it the next time.

anyway, this is my 100th entry! =)

*every ending is a new beginning*

<3 JellY 3:21 AM

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Can you name 13 people you can thinkof right off the top of your head?

Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names ofall 13 people...This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first...No Cheating!!!

1. Sugar daddy

2. teck hui

3. Shiting

4. hui min

5. grace

6. hafiz

7. devil

8. michelle

9. xiao wei

10. bee bee

11. xue yin

12. roger

13. Simon


How did you meet 10?
NYP!! my close buddy in yr 1 till now!

What would you do if you had never met 1?
i'll still be tryin to forget that bastard.

What would you do if 6 and 2 dated?
haha.. nice combination! but too bad.. 6 gonna get engaged.

Have you ever seen 4 cry?
nope.. girls dun cry!! =)

Do you think 1 is cute?
sometimes.. when he had got enough slp.. lols =x

Tell me something about number 11
she is a weirdo!! like to eat banana dun eat banana cake!! lols..

How do you know 8?
NYP's smokin alley+ class.. lols

Would you ever go on a date with number 12?
haha.. he is married!!

What's 7's favorite color?
i dunno..lols

What would you do if 6 confessed they liked you?
woohoo~!i'm waiting for that moment! =x lols.. he is gonna be engaged!

Fact about 9:
both of us are on the same boat!! *wu jian dao*! =x

Who is 4 going out with?
her lovely sweet qiang.

Who is number 5 to you?
someone close to my heart.=)

Would you ever live with 13?
no way!! he want me to be his maid!! lols.

Is 2 single?
yup.. but he has lots of rumours. lols

Where does 7 live?
hell. lols..

What do you think about 3?
she is getting lamer and lamer each day. someone who dun like "bad reality". someone who treats frenz dearly.

What's the best thing about number 8?
she is sexy and she is not even tryin to.. lols

What do you like about number 10?
her dumb-nesS! lols.. her never-endin qns..

Favorite Memory with 2?
hmm.. alot!! lols.. that time when we go watch fireworks! and he commented my face is smooth like LUCKY's butt!! and LUCKY is a doggy!!

<3 JellY 12:29 AM

Thursday, October 12, 2006
you le?! lols

Finally i got my promoter's pay..
it's like a month and a half ago? lols
today's meal is so little.. as usual..
and i feel like vomittin! argghh..
jia lat.. wo you le? lols..

this is how much food was left in the noon..

and nt wasting it..

i kept it for dinner..

so my lunch and dinner is a pkt of hokkien mee..

lols.. even eatin this i almost puke!

and i saw something real cute today!!

Pooh car!! omg!!

the car is occupy with pooh stuff!

i want a blue car with doreamon! lols

Piglet joins in the fun! =x

but first, i want a bike licence..

why can't girls drive bike?

i dun understand..

wat generation le..

any girls interested?

i want a blue scooter with doreamon sticker! lols

and yeah.. the seller finnally drew out the draft for my maryjane!

hee.. the theme is amusement park..

coz u guys shld knw, i am fascinated by merry go around.. lols

Hi Jelly

As you can see, i remain the roller coaster.
Sorry the pic were not very well drawn, i merely come up with a rough sketch of how i intend to let the shoe appear, there will be a
ferris wheel on the left, a carousol in the middle and a roller coaster (OR a merry go around, which will appear just like the ferris wheel) on the right.
The shoe will have silver glitter slight splash all over it, and white pearl colour lining on the outline of the 3 animation(namely ferris wheel, carousol and roller coaster)

the top of the shoe i will draw the castle in black, then sew white crystallise beads on top....

there will also be a black lining on the rims of the shoe.

Hope u get the picture.. hehe

wat do u guys think? and it's like kinda cheap lor..

$20 only.. hmm..

annyway, she is a nice seller! u guys should go visit her blog! =)

no no! she never give me a cheaper price becox i advertise for her! lols

my soccer match gonna start soon! England Vs Croatia!

wahha..ROONEY!! i support u!! lols..

-i wanna work!-

<3 JellY 12:27 AM

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
i din knw that rotting can also help to cut dwn weight!
haha.. result of my one week rotting: is = to losin 1kg!!
whaha.. but i think i gt some thing wrong nah..
i cant even finish a pkt of rice nowaday...
sure will left 1/4 of it.. haiz..
wat happened?
and suddenly there will be grastic outbreak..

haiz.. how ?? how?
my body system gonna rot soon.. =(
yawns.. i dun like to rot and i dun wanna rot..
i wanna work.. earn money..
arghhh... and i need to smoke..

too cute to smoke? haax..
i dun wanna smoke either..
but i cant stop! tat;s the pro..
but for ur sake, i will try..
like i said try..

to the retard(S),
if u fuckin dislike me,
then why bother see my blog?
duhx.. or u havin tep too free??
or u are having holiday and gt nothing better to do?

yawns.. life is makin me so tired..
i think i shall stop awhile before i move on again..
think abt life, think abt fren, think abt hmm... dunno la..

it's scary when things turned out to be so bloody unpredictable,
u tot u knw that person but actually u dun,
u tot u would hate that person and wanted to kill her so much,
but in fact u pity her..
u tot that guy would love u like how u love him, but hmm.. i dun think so..

too stubborn aint bringin me far,
why do i always have so many qns?
and i want the ans for all the qns ..
and i only accept those i wanna hear..
hmm... that;s human?

okay, i dun wanna be angel-ish anymore..
god give me some devil-ish pls!! =D

- knock knock! GOD guide me thru!-

<3 JellY 1:51 AM

Monday, October 09, 2006
who ever the fuck this fuckin person is..
for ur bloody information u have been banned!
btw, thanks for ur compliment..
hmm.. next time must speell the word with a spacin
in between.. so can let every one see how u praise me ma..
and we can see how toopid u are..
we knw u are retard la.. dun need to show off in my blog..
so since i am so kind, i shall ban u.. and reduce all the shame
u have made for urself..
take care,u retard..

<3 JellY 5:40 PM

Saturday, October 07, 2006
i'll never be the same again!
why make one big round to tell me that u're nothin
but a LIAR..
omg!! fuckin angry and disappointed!
how i wish i never knw u..
hmm.. is it so hard to tell the truth..
remorseful? or just tryin to act pity!
okay, u got me in the first place..
but when i realised i am a fool again..
that's it..
dun need to explain..
and good luck to u..
i wont bother u ANYMORE!!
and i mean it..

u knw who u must thank?
u shld thanks "him"
if that day i wasnt so crazy over findin his frenster
i dun think i will even talk to u..
and give u a chance..
but now the truth is out..
thanks for showing me that best fren cannot be trusted!

once bitten, twice shy..
i wont, never fall into ur trap again!
hmm.. u shld have consider joinin ELDDS..
real talent nah!

wat best fren... haha.. we all knw it's crap!
fuck off of my sight!

i'm workin tml!! wahha.. i miss my darlings!!
all of them!! and i miss my susp...
tml must let me do all the susp yea? =D

*i wont forget wat u said to me,
and how u show me things i wish i'll never see*

<3 JellY 1:35 AM

the final and the last

<3 JellY 1:15 AM

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
hady!! =D

Sometimes its hard just to be yoursleves i know u know
so close to tears wanting to give up i'm here all alone
now u're here by my side i just want you to know
you give me wings when i'm falling
you lift me up when i'm down
taking me high touching the sky
yeah you make me fly
now i am stronger than i was before because of you
i feel so alive and i'm wanting more i can't believe it's true
but now u're here by my side don't ever let me go

Hady!! addicted to him!! =)

<3 JellY 1:57 PM

fuck fuck fuck!!
at this wee hour in the nite..
i am having gastric pain..
and the thing is i ate my dinner!
KNS!! i think my gastric gonna rot one day..
fuck la..
btw, i found a guitar teacher!! GTH!!
lols.. $50 per month.. woohoo~!
cheap cheap cheap!!
please remind to cut my finger nails before all lesson!!
thanks!! lols =)

<3 JellY 1:59 AM

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
girls are simply so much better
agree.. girls are evil..



Rocks on girls... let the men rot!! =)

<3 JellY 6:19 PM

Monday, October 02, 2006
clever fs!!
clever clever FS!!
*clapped clapped*
i was on frenster last nite..
and i gt nothing better to do
and i started to search for my long lost fren and some "interesting ppl"
and u knw who i found??

i found my MATA's frenster!!
omg!! how old le?still play frenster lols..
but nvm i like can le.. wahaha..

and now i am almost grabbin all his photo!!
lols.. omg.. i can't imagine if he find out..

<3 JellY 1:19 PM

finnally meetups!!

woohoo~! we finnally meetup!! 4 ppl in a row!!

meetup with my pri sch fren.. it's like four yrs back..
wahha.. so happy that we are still so close..
close until we go into the same changing room to try clothes..
wahha.. it's amazing although it's like we seldom contact or update each other
our bond is still there.. and i knw it will never ever break..
unless there is combustion.. =x *opps*

after meeting her.. i went to find my dear fren.. shuting! =)
it's like month we never meetup for "our activity" lols
and we gt so much to chat abt.. i like the feelin of being
surrounded by ppl u care and whom in return care for u too...
*hugs* =)

next, is my MATA.. Ahh!! i went to feed my dar kitty(qi guai)
and i saw this police car driving so slow.. i think i walk also faster than his car..lols
i wasnt sure it was him or nt.. but when he reverse and stop there for like 1min..
i knew it was him.. lols..
which mata will be so free like him.. *opps*
i mean so kind.. lols..
chatted for awhile.. and he has to leave..
he had slimed dwn!! and i dun like it!!
he llook so "barney" to me now..
but nvm i hug my barney and pooh to slp every nite..
wahha.. <3

dun ask me wat's my relationship wit him now..
i dun even knw myself.. lols..

guess who's up next?? i met chong lean!! wahah.. my ex-youth-grp chairperson who is also my ex.. lol i was like stunned for awhile before i recognise it was him! lols.. and he said i look prettier!! *wahaha* lols.. but of course is i asked him de.. but he said it willingly!=p

next week might be meetin FC to catch some movie! =) wee and bee, when we wanna go jalan-jalan?? and Hari RAya faster come.. i can't wait for lulu's yummy-licious foods!! lols xue yin!! our sentosa!!

i just wanna meetup wit ppl or rarely see.. and to knw that they are doing fine..
hmm.. nw then i realised i have gt so many fren beside me.. =)
i cherish everyone of my frens.. love them so so so much!!
ppl whom i seldom msg/meetup/contact.. please do take care of urself..
A kiss to all those who care and love me.. =)


<3 JellY 12:08 AM


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Angels list

{ Mx }
{ Graciex }
{ Lydia}
{ Jessica }
{ Teck Hui }
{ Michelle }
{ XY }
{ Ching Leng }
{ Zhong ming }
{ Qin Qin }
{ Xiao wei }
{ Fifi }
{ Lynn }
{ Cockster Rong }

the exits to escape



11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007
02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007
06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007
07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007
09/01/2007 - 10/01/2007
10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007
11/01/2007 - 12/01/2007
12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008


Brushes: H-G
Designer: I

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