Saturday, December 16, 2006
i love this!!
so bloody!! CUTE LA!! =)

<3 JellY 1:13 AM
Friday, December 15, 2006
after all the hard work
after all the hardwork... *deng deng deng deng*
Our show starts!

the hot selling mini X'mas tree! =)

behind the booth 

the angel..
Guess wat's in the box?

hand-made poker card!
done by the guys durin the show! =x
QZ bought this from teddy thot.
cute ar? lols

and jelly bought a devil. =)
my cute maryjane! =)
welcome to jelly's land!
Two cute angel!
finally... the show ended!! =)
it's damn tiring la..
and i think i sweat ten pails of sweat! lols
anyway, it's quite a memorable event. =)
-Love life. and Life will love u-
<3 JellY 11:05 PM
Saturday, December 09, 2006
so far in 2006
SO FAR IN 2006
1. Have you had any relationships thisyear?
yup.. i think so..
2. Have you had your birthday?
a wonderful BBQ
3. Been to church?
i think so.
4. Cried yet?
ya.. for some bastards.
5. Been on a diet?
6. Pulled an all nighter?
7. Drank Starbucks?
Yup.. dunno wat Chocolate one.. =x
8. Went shopping?
of course. duhx.
9. Went Camping?
11. Bought something(s) for over $200?
No.. i cant afford
12. Met someone special?
Alot of ppl..=) sch..J.P..Roger, Simon..promoters! =) all are my angels! =D
13. Been out of the country?
Yup.. ma la si ya..=x
14. Gone Snowboarding?
15. What are you thinking about?
can i find the perfect key to open the lock in my heart?
Have you...
1.) Hugged someone?
yup! a girl. =)
2.) Slept in someone elses bed?
yup.. my cousin's bed.
3.) Drank any?
4.) Loaned out money?
yup..small amount.
5.) Gotten in a car accident?
bicycle accident.. yesh..lolx.=x
6.) Gone over your cell phone bill?
7.) Been called a whale?
i prefer CAT.. lols
8.) Done something you regret?
Nope.. and never will i ..
Last Person you hugged?
my pooh bear.
Last Person to call you?
Last time you took a shower?
When was the last time you felt stupid?
i never feel stupid before. and i hate that word "stupid"
Who was the last person you dancedwith?
i cant dance.
Who did you last yell at?
someone who is an idiot.=x
What did you do today?
do POP for Xmas Bazzaar,slack, smoke, shopping.=)
01. Hometown?
Tamen Jurong.
02. Natural hair color?
03. Initials?
04. Hair style?
short and abit kuku-ish..lols=x
05. Eye color:
06. Height:
standing tall at 1.67m
07. Pets:
all the cats under my blk! =)
08. Mood:
*high haha..
09. Where would you rather be?
10. Last thing you drank?
my fav.. vanilla coke.
01. Have you ever been in love:
i think so..
02. Do you believe in love?
maybe not now..
03. Did your LAST relationship fail?
of course! fail terribly.
04. Have you ever been heartbroken:
cut myself, almost commit suicide,start smoking.. wat do ya think?
05. Have you ever broken someone'sheart:
i try my best nt to break anyone's heart..
06. Have you ever fallen for your bestfriend?
haha.. GTH??!! impossible!
07. Have you ever loved someone butnever told them:
08. Are you afraid of commitment?:
for now yesh.. coz i dun wanna be a playground again.
09. Would you ever date one of your sexes?
i am straight.
10. Have you had more than 5 different serious relationships?
i am serious when the bastards are not.. how? lols..
01.Are you missing someone right now:
i miss my kittyss...
02. Are you happy?
04. Are you eating anything?
05. Do you like someone right now?
i like my kittysss
<3 JellY 1:15 AM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
i'm dwn with flu..
after my trip to source for suppliers..
sian lor..
i'm like half-dead..
kuku sia..
hope my flu can go away by sunday,
coz i wanna go suntanning with XY,fifi and shima!!
dun care.. i flu also will go one! lols
<3 JellY 11:26 PM
<3 JellY 11:26 PM
Monday, December 04, 2006
<3 ?
"Anyone who had a heart
Would take me in his arms and love me too
you couldn't really have a heart
and hurt me like you hurt me
and be so untrue
wat am i to do?"
Heart, we will forget him, You and I, Tonight!
You must forget the warmth he gave
u will forget the light.
When you have done pray tell me, Then I,
my thoughts, will dim.
Haste!' lest while you're lagging
i may remember him!
this not drawn by me.. lols
but has the same standard as me.=x
okay, sorry for the ugly "drawn-by-fs" picture.lols

make me believe in guys again..
=) Fighters! which one of u can do that?
none of them..=x
but i believe there is a guy out there
willing to make me fall and catch my fall. =)
anyway, why do i need a bf, when i am
double as strong as GTH.. lols.. nvm
okay..below are the picture of the mini RS by EMRS! =)
our very first roadshow!

see! our EMRS team member even got his shoe torn..
haha. and he got to use tape to stick his shoe back! lols.. the smiley face is my act!=x

say we are loose sand watever..
as long as we have lots of fun can le!
how organised do u want a "one-week-bond" team to be like?
watever.. =p
hmm.. look like a class is nt a class anymore.
Sinful! Sinful!
Yet i am loving it!
*heart heart chocolate banana!*

*the heart wants what it wants*
<3 JellY 10:39 PM